miercuri, 1 iunie 2011

Challenge DAY 1

I've thought of doing this when I came across this idea on some random person I follow on tumblr. To make it even more interesting, I will be making two challenges: one music challenge and one "about myself" challenge.
I don't know if I can fit in writing every day of my life for the following month, but I will try.

DAY 1 - The meaning behind my blog name

Hmmm...Actually the name of my blog is the name of a song by We came as Romans. I don't know why I thought of it, but I think that the name really reflects the way I see life. I also think that WCAR's song had a strong impact on me. They basically sing about how hard it is for humans to change their habits, to move on from the past and to look forward. All I ever did in my life was to look in the past because I always thought that it was so much better than the present (obviously it wasn't, duh!; it's just my twisted mind) and less dim than the future.
However, I consider that every experience I went through thought me something, it made me "grow" as a human being. I see certain things differently. I think differently. I feel differently. And that's because of every person I met up till now. Some of them had a great impact on me, they've changed me completely, damaged me. But hey! I still consider that I was lucky to have met them.
I never thought of things this way, but as time went by I realized that to grow as a person means to let things behind. I won't be a hypocrite and say that I've managed to apply the principle on myself. But at least I've realized what was wrong, right? That's a start. 

DAY 1 - My favorite song

I had a bit of trouble deciding what was my favorite song since I listen to a lot of music genres. So after I've done a bit of thinking I came to the conclusion that my favorite song is "From heads unworthy" by Rise against. I remember the circumstances I came across it perfectly and each time I listen it I can almost see myself in her room half-asleep and trying to decipher the lyrics.
That's why I have several favorite songs and there is a meaning behind each and every one of them.


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