joi, 9 iunie 2011

Challenge time DAY 9

DAY 9 - My views on drugs and alcohol

I can say that I've tried them all. Minus the drug part. I think that drugs are really a waste of money. Heck I could do so many things with the money I would spend on drugs. I think that it's a completely stupid thing to do. I mean, you take the drugs, feel like you're on top of the world for 10, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours and then? You just get terribly depressed and kill yourself. If you're careful enough not to OD first. [Again cliché] drugs really destroy your life. If you would ever decide to go into rehab, it still takes a lot of time to get back on your feet, you have to spend a lot of money [again], hurt everyone around you, feel guilty all the time that you're too weak and you can't give them up. For me, the feeling of guilt is the most horrible part. I could not live with myself knowing that I'm so addicted to something and I just can't seem to find a way to give it up. I've been in a similar experience before and over the years I've realized that it's comparable to taking drugs.
Now, in what alcohol is concerned...I grew up in an environment where drinking wasn't considered a problem. So during my high-school years I used to drink. A lot. I think I've had my experiences with alcohol and I there's nothing I'm missing out on. Like drugs, alcohol too is expensive.

DAY 9 - A song that I can dance to
We the kings - She takes me high

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