miercuri, 16 februarie 2011

Red roses

Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a kingdom far, far away. One day, the princess decided to lock herself in a tower. She wanted to get away from everything and everybody. She thought she would find her peace by staying all by herself all the time, so she didn’t allow anybody to enter her tower. The tower was very high and each day, the princess climbed another floor. She thought that the higher she was, the harder was for people to reach her.

She started doing everything alone. Day after day, week after week and month after month, the princess became more and more sad. Until one day...the day when the princess learned how to write down her feelings. From that day on, the princess wrote at least a few lines every day. It was her ritual and she found comfort in it. A piece of paper doesn’t judge you. It listens.

The only place she went to outside the tower was the castle’s garden. She went there every day. No matter what season it was, the princess always had her blue notebook and pen when she walked through the garden paths. One afternoon in early May she found herself sitting on a bench in the gardens of the castle with her head in her hands and tears pouring from her eyes. She wept and she wept until the tears had made a pool on the ground beside her. The princess was terribly unhappy. She didn’t know what to do in order to stop crying. She had nobody to talk to. Writing wasn’t enough anymore. She needed something else. But the princess didn’t realize what was it that she needed.

Some weeks passed and, in sorrow, the princess decided to go and pick some roses from the garden. She took a pair of scissors and a basket and left the tower. It was a beautiful morning and the golden sun rays caressed the pale skin of her face. The blue highlights from her hair danced in the wind as the princess started running towards the closest bush. Her eyes were red from crying, although she tried to hide it with black make-up. Nobody noticed the princess anyway, but she still felt the need to hide the traces of her affliction. The rose bushes smelled beautifully and as the princess approached them, she noticed how delicate the flowers looked. The princess carefully grabbed the scissors and tried to cut a piece from the rose bush. But the princess wasn’t careful enough and she stung herself with the sharp, black thorns. She was scared at first for she felt pain and couldn’t exactly tell where it came from. Shortly after, she felt something else. A pleasant and relieving feeling sunk her body. The pain didn’t scare her anymore. The princess watched a few drops of blood dripping from the pierced skin and she felt an incredible thirst for her blood. Her lips slowly approached the skin of her wrist and she tasted the metallic body fluid. The princess felt happy. It was for the first time in a long while.

The princess started carrying the same pair of scissors and the basket every time she went into the garden. She followed the ritual every single day. But she quickly noticed that the pain caused by only one thorn wasn’t enough. So, the princess started to deliberately sting herself with more and more thorns. Sometimes even several times a day. The princess went in the garden only to feel pain. Her clean and white wrists were now covered with brown marks and fresh blood stains. The princess wondered why all of the roses were white and she quickly came up with an idea how to make them red. Without any hesitation, she grabbed the pair of scissors and pressed the cold, silver blade against her skin. Fresh, warm blood started to spill instantly. The princess gasped for air as she tried to collect her blood in one hand. Still, a few blood drops spilled on the ground and wherever the blood spilled, a new rose bush started to grow. When the princess finally managed to gather the desired amount of blood, she poured it over a white rose. In a matter of seconds, the entire rose petals turned red. The princess smiled. Now the roses had the colour of her bleeding soul. Noticing how beautiful red roses look, she decided to make all the roses red. She had enough blood in her veins to paint all of them. The princess felt a rush of excitement through her entire body and her heart started beating faster. The scissors made another vertical incision. And another. And another. And another. The princess couldn’t stop. Salty tears started dripping from her eyes as she realized what she had done. There was no turning back now. The princess knew it. Her knees felt week, the clear sky started spinning. Her dried mouth couldn’t ask for help.

Red rose bushes blossomed all around her, surrounding her with a wonderful smell. The pain wasn’t there anymore.

She was surrounded by her beloved roses.

Her last heartbeat…

Her body disappeared…

Silence never felt more suffocating…

[*Image source : http://gurololi.deviantart.com/art/Angelic-Princess-130389822?q=boost%3Apopular%20in%3Aphotography%20princess&qo=14]

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