sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

Dear Santa

* image by http://lady-tori.deviantart.com/

Dear Santa,

I don't even think you remember who I am because ever since the 4th grade (when I found the letter I sent you in my parents' room) i haven't written you. Why is that? Mostly because I was angry at my them because they didn't send the letter I so carefully wrote you. I trusted them and they couldn't even make their little girl's wish come true. throughout the years, I also thought I could give myself the presents, the rewards I thought I deserved. But from time to time it's nice to see that there's somebody else out there that is thinking of you and wishes to make you happy, even for just a for a second.

Oh Santa, I am terribly unhappy. I am sure you know why. Unfortunately there's nothing you can do to change this situation. If you would have asked me a couple of weeks ago what I wanted I could have said it without hesitation. Now I'm not so sure it's such a good idea. I will surely end up harming myself again if I listen to my heart. I do wish to ask you something though. Please don't bring him back again. Please make him be happy there so that he won't be coming again here. I've had my share with happy moments and they're over now. I have to accept it for I know I cannot live by feeding on memories. I've done this my entire life and there comes a time when I have to start looking in the future. Not for anybody else, but for me. I just want to be happy, accepted and understood. And I thought that he was the person I have waited for so long. Yes, I know, one should never be too excited about something because if something sounds too good to be true then it's not.

Would I be too pushy if I asked you to bring Shiba and Greta in my house and in my room? I think that having a pet would help me a lot, especially now. You know how much care and love I showed my two tortoises I had a few years ago. You know very well that they eventually died (my guess because of the terribly chemical tap water). So that's why I didn't want any more pets; I didn't want to kill any more innocent animals. However, I feel that now I am much more mature and responsible to take care of the two tiny creatures. (btw, Shiba and Greta are rats)

I would like to thank you though; to thank you for bringing me a gift in advance. Thank you for bringing Silvia into my life again. I have no idea where I would be now without her. I would be much more miserable, that I can assure you. Thank you for showing me that I am not alone in this world, I am not weird, that there are other people that think like me. She always manages to bring a smile on my face and for the first time in my life I feel that I can truly count on somebody. It's a great feeling!

Phew..you know me Santa, I like to write a lot. And this time I really tried to keep it short and simple. But I can't. You know I can't. Anyway, I really hope you managed to read these lines and I hope that I managed to bring a smile on your face when reading my letter through.

Lots of love (because no matter how much I say I cannot give somebody my love, I will always end up doing it)

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