marți, 23 octombrie 2012
October 23rd
There's a brief moment right after you wake up that you somehow feel totally aware of the life you have. I mean, like in that moment there's all this raw emotion you've been trying to bottle up each second of your day. The entire reality of the situation hits you and you don't really know how to react to it. The first instinct is if you're a person called Laura to start crying. And so I did. At 6 am I started crying. I didn't even know why I was crying. All I knew was that I needed to let it all out somehow. What exactly I didn't know.
There have been so many changes in the last couple of months, and mainly good ones. I feel happy about my life and myself in general. Which is a totally new and unfamiliar feeling for me. And I still feel that things change each day. I don't even understand the changes anymore.
sâmbătă, 15 septembrie 2012
September 16th
Every night, at approximately 1:30 am there is an aeroplane hovering above her house. It was the third time she heard it. This night was no exception. She wonders if this is the last time she will hear it. This routine was comforting for her. Soon she will not be hearig any aeroplanes or the barking of the dog next door. She will find herself in complete solitude. It's what she wanted. She already feels alone.
She will make it. She is so much stronger than she thought. She deserves so much better. Finally she is starting to understand it. The more she grasps the idea, the more easier it is for her to detach herself. Even though he was important to her, she is proud of herself for standing her ground. It was harder than she thought. She lost two things with a couple of sentences. So be it. It was her time. She will not be defeated. He wasn't right about anything. And she is convonced of that. His words did not pierce the bricks, did not shatter her beliefs. It's weird that she actually feels liberated. She can breathe on her own and she can pursue her path (whichever that is).
It's strange how you get to know people. The persons that you least expect become so important to you. What is even weirder is how these connections evolve. Persons who you believe will always be there walk away. She didn't. Because of her she hasn't given up.
For the first time in weeks a tear rolled down her left cheek. She felt it on her neck. The salty liquid dried and left an invisible trace. She could feel it on her face. Yet she couldn't cry. She couldn't sleep. She was alone with her thoughts.
miercuri, 12 septembrie 2012
September 7th
I never thought I could actually feel this way.
The tiny bubbles in the water were shining in the white
light. Her hand was surrounded by dancing diamonds. As she was drifting away
from the shore, her hands were gently hovering on the surface of the water. She
could reach the bottom of the pool so that she was able to focus on the
movements of her hand. Slow motion enthralled her. She wished she could freeze
that moment in time. It felt as if the entire existence was concentrated in
those bubbles struggling to reach the surface.
She held her breath and dived. Nothing held her back this
time. For a brief moment she felt like she was somebody else. But it was
herself all along. Her hidden self. She closed her eyes, filled her lungs with
air and dived into the shallow depth of the water.
The room was cloudy and the air heavy. She was not alone.
There was a man standing next to the door.
Everybody was naked, including
herself. She had no inhibitions; she felt comfortable showing her body. She was
done having body related issues. Even the fact that she was the youngest person
there didn’t bother her. She placed her towel underneath her and placed her
feet into the lotus position. She straightened her back and placed her hands on
the bent knees. Her breath shortened in the first minutes as she tried to control
the amount of air she was inhaling.
Her eyes were closed. As she was not used to the air, she
choked on it. The sound of the cough echoed in the tiny room. She opened her
eyes for a brief moment just to see the man in front of her caressing his
penis. His legs were spread and his right hand was moving up and down. The sight
of it made her so sick at the point she could throw up. The reaction puzzled
her a bit.
luni, 27 august 2012
August 28th
Why do we keep struggling that I do
not know. Maybe hoping that one day it will get better. But what do you know,
it just won’t. You just start getting used to the same old things each day and
accept them without even questioning. You keep pushing yourself to exhaustion.
You are fully aware of it, yet you can’t stop it. It’s like you’re feeding on y
our own self-induced sufferance.
For one moment, your heart
stopped beating. You remembered. You felt like world was spinning and all you
could think about was her. Your felt your heart breaking. Cloudy eyes. Teary
eyes. The bright light was now foggy. You felt like you were choking. You
wanted to break down right there and right now. But you couldn’t. Fake it with
confidence, sweetie. You know you can do it. After a couple of seconds you were
back on your feet. Or so it seemed for the unseen eyes. You just wanted to be
left alone. So you kept focusing on their problems, their concerns, just to
distract yourself. It worked for a couple of hours. Until you were all alone
with your thoughts.
That’s why people work. Not for
the money, but to run away from themselves. It’s so much easier when you know
you have an anchor. You know when you’re good at something and it gives you a
sense of security. It makes you feel more in control of yourself. Especially when
you know there’s no way for you to fail. You’re simply good at what you do. Nobody
can take that away from you. Nobody. At the end of the day you feel exhausted,
yet you find yourself talking about the same things that cause you so much
stress during the day.
Another day, the same routine,
the same cup of coffee, the same bed sheets, the same purple light. The same
you. You’re left with yourself. Now that’s your problem that you can’t deal
with your loneliness. Especially when you’ve wanted this for so long, right? It’s
what you wanted. You find yourself grasping the pillow so tightly that your
fingers hurt. You crawl up in a corner so that the entire bed remains empty. Deal
with it. It all comes with a price.
You see him every day always with
a smile on his face. Yet you know it’s not like him to be that way. Something in
his smile does not seem right. He talks as if he doesn’t care. Yet you know he
does. You know very well how he feels. Even though he never told you, you know
it. And for some reason it hurts you to see him this way. You wish you could
take back everything. You wish he hadn’t met you. You wished that everybody who
got to know you would not feel so disappointed in you. Especially not him. Admit
the fact that you cared. You did. Not enough, but you did care. You just wished
that you could care more. But you know you couldn’t. And you end up hurting
everybody. That’s just who you are.
Move along
There is a theory which claims that human beings have a finite amount of heartbeats. How many heartbeats have I used up until this second? How many beats do I have left? How many minutes, days or even years I’ve taken away from my life? I have no idea and to be honest I’m not sure I want to know the answer to neither of the questions above mentioned .
Somebody once told me that ice cold hands are a sign of sincerity. Maybe it’s just a coincidence.
Somebody once told me that ice cold hands are a sign of sincerity. Maybe it’s just a coincidence.
Everything is so chaotic and the general feeling is overwhelming. It feels like I am on a train that is racing through endless and unknown territories, but does not show any sign of slowing down. Its speed hinders me from seeing anything around me and all the other passengers seem to be engrossed in their own misery. Everybody keeps looking out the window, yet nobody can catch a glimpse of the landscape, nor acknowledge the presence of other human beings. It’s like everybody is trapped inside a word that they themselves had created. It’s only the dirty window that catches their attention. Eyes and ears are unable to process the information since every frame seems to be changing with an incredible speed and you’re left alone, in front of the ever-changing surroundings.
Reminder is the undeniable proof that something actually happened and that is why people find it hard to let go of the past. Even though memories are often painful, they surface in random moments and you can’t keep them under control. They are similar to the water that flows through a creek and the unpredictable nature provides them from being controlled.
You are so naïve if you believe that people are “good” by nature. People usually thrive on the pain of their fellow equals. Just like you thrive on your own pain.
Nu e suficient de nervoasa. Asta trebuie sa fie problema. Sau si-a pierdut increderea in sine. Unele lucruri nu le poate recunoaste nici fata de ea. De atat de mult timp incearca sa inteleaga, dar parca acum nimic nu mai are sens. Cu cat se gandeste mai mult, cu atat are impresia ca intelege mai putin.
Poate ca de-a lungul vietii intalnim o singura persoana care sa se asemene cu noi in proportie de 90%. Asta daca suntem norocosi. Sau nu. Inca nu ma pot hotari.
joi, 23 august 2012
Five last words
The skin on her chest and upper
arms was cold. She had splashed it with freshly scented vanilla water a couple
of moments ago. There were some crystals resting on her chest which did not
dissolve yet. She crushed them with her fingers. She looked on her left. The
candle was lit and for a moment she was tempted to approach her hand in the
flame, but she stopped at the last moment.
His eyes were burning. He was
disappointed in her.
She felt like crying, but she was
unable to shed a single tear. She was messed up and she was not understood.
1000000 thoughts on her mind.
The impossibility to focus. The lack
of cohesion.
All she could see were purple
There was no way out.
One single comforting thought. She
said NO.
She never got what she wanted
from all the persons she has ever gotten close to. She was never enough. She was
never fucking good enough.
She just wished she never got
involved in the first place. But that’s not her.
She’s the kind of person who
gives her all and does not receive anything in return.
It’s sad.
She needed you, but for your
information, never admitted that. She wanted you there, but you didn't. So, why
Everything and nothing at the
same time.
You were never there.
You did not get her.
You never will.
duminică, 19 august 2012
For a minor reflection
‘’I’ve got an idea
about something I want to write about. It’s been on my mind for some time now.
It’s about a man who decides to enrol in the secret service and falls in love
with an older female agent. They fall in love, but then she decides to walk
away for somebody else. They had this thing; they would play Russian roulette,
but with fake bullets. She liked the adrenalin rush.’’
Her heart started
pounding as she was listening to him. Don’t look at him, don’t look at him was
all she could think about.
‘’I’ll be leaving in a
couple of weeks… Will you even miss me?’’
She was looking at the
wet asphalt trying to avoid answering his question. He approached her until his
head rested on her left shoulder. She put her right hand on his hand and gently
caressed him. Her hands were cold and she started trembling. It wasn’t that
cold outside; she just got a glimpse of his shattered hopes.
‘’It’s going to be
strange not seeing you anymore and going out with you.’’
‘’You didn’t answer my
question though. What do you mean by strange?’’
‘’I got used to seeing
you almost every day and talking to you. I’ll miss talking to you.’’
‘’You’re still not
answering my question. Let’s leave it at that.’’
She woke up with the
most terrible headache. His words were pounding in her mind. It was another ordinary day in her ordinary
She was resting her
head on the pillow. She could feel each muscle in her body trembling as she was
laying down. Even though it was August, she felt cold shivers in her body and
her feet were cold as well. She was trying to empty her mind, but fragments of
the entire day were playing in her mind. She was her own prisoner.
luni, 13 august 2012
Morning kisses
Summer mornings are her
favourite with the exception of the blinding sunlight which pierces her
curtains. She can feel the warmth in the room and tiny sweat drops on her
forehead. Yet another restless night by the looks of her sheets. She would lazily
stretch her body until she gets goose bumps on her hands.
A lock of brown hair
was resting on her right arm. Zoe smiled. The room was dimly lit by a purple
light. She could hear the morning wind rustling through the curtains. She
wondered what time it was and involuntarily looked at her right wrist, the usual
place for her watch. Her phone was out of reach as well and she was not wearing
her glasses; no chance to see the display of her other watch which was on the
shelf behind her. As she turned on her other side there she noticed that Amanda
was still sleeping. She seemed peaceful. Her breathing was calm and steady. Zoe
carefully rolled on her right side so that she could face Amanda and put her
right arm under the pillow. She didn’t want to wake Amanda. She watched the traces
of her body as she was trying to refrain herself from touching her. She longed to
feel her skin. Falling asleep next to someone feels good, but waking up next to
the person you just fell asleep with is even better. It’s not only the sound of
her voice that makes her peaceful, but also her presence that makes everything
better. We all claim that we are different or weird, but after all we all want
the same things. To love and be loved in return. We all long for security and
ease of mind.
She suddenly felt an
incredible craving for a freshly brewed pot of coffee. The smell of it enthralled
her. She carefully dragged her body out of bed and put on a long, black t-shirt.
Amanda didn’t seem to notice her absence. She then closed the bedroom door and
headed towards the kitchen. As she opened the kitchen door, Zoe’s first
instinct was to close her eyes since she was blinded by the bright light. But she
liked it. She was barefoot; the floor cooled her body. She opened the window
and inhaled the fresh morning air. It was so quiet. She felt as if she was
alone in the crowded capital. As the water started boiling, she was still
savouring the moment. After a couple of minutes she decided to go back to bed.
They will have their morning coffee together.
Amanda didn’t even move.
It seemed that she was still sleeping. Zoe tucked back into the bed next to
her. When her head was resting on the pillow, she felt her glance. Amanda had
moved and was staring at her. She looked scared. Zoe smiled and reached for her
face to caress her hair. Her fingers slid down her face and on to the contour of
her neck. She could feel her collar bones. She abandoned their delicate line to
draw tiny circles on her soft skin. Amanda’s smell was invading Zoe’s senses. She
slowly approached her lips, while her fingers were still resting on Amanda’s
neck. Amanda closed her eyes. When their lips touched, Zoe felt an overwhelming
warmth in her body. Her hands searched Amanda’s body. She wanted to feel her
body next to hers. As her hands were wrapped around her body, she could feel that
Amanda was trembling. Zoe kissed her forehead. She wanted her to feel protected
as Amanda’s head was resting on her chest.
‘’What better way to
start your day?’’
duminică, 22 aprilie 2012
Silent but audible
What if I can’t forget you?
Fiecare calatorie cu metroul ma
fascineaza. Ceea ce m-a sursprins in Bucuresti e multitudinea de smartphone-uri
detinute de oameni. Orice piti sau cocalar care se respecta are un ifone; sau
cel putin un blackberry roz, perfect asortat cu unghiile de 5 cm, care sunt si
ele roz, desigur. In prima luna in Bucuresti abia asteptam sa merg cu metroul.
Parca pe vremea aceea mai erau oameni care se ocupau si cu altceva decat
butonat device-uri. Dar ceea ce mi-a placut a fost faptul ca mai vezi si oameni
mai diferiti, boemi, nonconformisti, care citesc romane de autori ciudati.
I’ll burn your name into my throat.

I’ll be the fire that will catch you.
Din motive practice, evit sa ma
tin de o bara in jurul altor persoane. Totusi, cand e mult prea aglomerat sau
pur si simplu aleg sa nu imi pese, mai trec peste. Nu suport privirea aceea
nedumirita din ochii oamenilor. Se uita la incheietura, apoi la fata mea, apoi
din nou la incheietura. Oare la ce se gandesc? Nu suport sa vad privirile lor
pline de mila.
What’s so good about picking up the pieces?
Imi place sa ma uit la oamenii din metrou si sa ghicesc ce
fel de viata au. Bine, pentru majoritatea e destul de evident. Dar mai vad
ocazional oameni pe care nu pot sa ii citesc. Oare la asta se referea el? Asa
aratam eu cand imi spunea ca nu ma poate citi?
None of the colours ever light up anymore in this hole.
marți, 31 ianuarie 2012
In another life
The life I live is mine to care
For all eternity to bear
All the choices i share
Every truth that i dare
Bring all mighty forces
For i am not complete
Surrounded by defeat
Trying to prevail
Overcome this wish to fail
I am no hero,
Nor am I a saint
Take the sword,
My friend
Show them you care.
luni, 30 ianuarie 2012
Walking memories
She felt his fingers grasping the skin on her neck. It didn’t even hurt. It was as if she was somewhere up on the ceiling while witnessing her own death. The thought did not move her. His grip tightened by the second, while her pink skin turned blue, then violet. She was unable to move her limbs; she was paralyzed. She chose to ignore the pain.
She felt the cold touch of the water on her feet. She left the house early in the morning, but forgot to put on her shoes. The surface of the water was frozen; it cracked as soon as she stepped on it. Her feet were usually frozen and wet. She did not feel a thing. She sighed and leaned forward. She looked down and kept walking. Her mind was elsewhere. They were looking at her, but she did not hear them. Her choice was to ignore the voices.
Her bloody fingers grabbing the blood stained sheets; the sheets were cutting the skin, opening the freshly carved words. The door was left ajar. He was standing in the dark, watching. For a moment, she felt like she was not alone. She had choked on the words she could not utter. It was on the floor, drenched in the warm body fluid. Yet he did not see it. He did not want to see it. He had chosen to ignore.
Her hands were tied while her face was touching the dirty floor. She was blindfolded. The white bandage which covered her eyes was soaked with salty tears. Her tears had carved deep into the skin of her cheeks. She was begging for her life. She uttered a scream when she felt the warmth of the candle light on her burning skin. She was relieved. She chose to ignore her weakness.
The needle that was piercing the skin, while entering the vein. Feeling the blood draining from her body. It was not enough. It never is enough. The knife was approaching her face. Her hands and legs were tied to the metal chair. The fabric was carving her skin. Two strong hands were gripping her shoulders, immobilizing her body. He was breathing heavily on her neck, forcing her to open her mouth. She felt a sharp pain in her neck; she coughed blood. Strands of her blue hair were scattered on the floor, mixed with her own blood. Her tips tasted of blood and the inside of her throat was aching. She chose to ignore her fear.
A shadow of what she used to be. A blurred picture in reverse. The burning flames reaching towards the sky. She was running to save herself. They did not make it. She could hear their screams from their bedroom. The wood cracked; the entire house cracked. The sound was deafening. She chose life.
The misty air was making her breathe with difficulty. Her heart was exhausted, both from the climbing, as well as from the lack of oxygen. She had the same thoughts in her mind; they were haunting her day and night. She was wondering whether she was hallucinating. She had reached a barbed wire fence. Instinctively, she grabbed her left wrist while resting her hands on her knees. She chose to forget.
The house lied in ruins for the past five years. Nobody dared crossing the fence, but her. She used to come here to write and listen to music. She found a shard of glass. The object still remains in her possession. She chose not to let go.
Each picture in her mind has a story longing to be written on canvas.
joi, 12 ianuarie 2012
Nu conteaza
Inca imi mai aduc aminte de gustul acela de scortisoara pe buzele mele.
Ziua aceea de vara din parcul mare. Totul era invaluit intr-o lumina galbena, prevestind o furtuna. Dar nu imi pasa. Eram fericita.
Tunelul cu graffitti in care am facut primii pasi.
O steluta albastra pe un perete.
Biscuiti cu fulgi de ciocolata delissimo pe o banca din piata muzeului.
Locul in care am facut moara pentru prima data.
Ceai negru cu caramel si miere.
Inghetata cu aroma de gomboti cu prune.
Berea si narghileaua din high life.
Taste the poetry.
Banca din fata cazinoului de pe eroilor.
Lacrimile pline de sinceritate.
Momentul in care le-am tinut prima oara in brate.
Noaptea in parc.
Sentimentul ca mai exista cineva EXACT ca si mine, ca nu sunt singura.
Biscuitii deliciosi cu zahar brun.
Drumul prin ploaie.
Cirese si caise.
Lucruri marunte care imi vor ramane mereu intiparite in minte.
Ca si cum totul s-a petrecut ieri.
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